Handy tool to access psych termenology.
Handy tool to access psych termenology.
This sweet interfaces lack of comprehensive, even nominally informative facts reads like a plug-ins concise, edited definitions. However, given the strong interface (of which glossy gui never ceases to please) will facilitate further development. In the interim, in app cross reference, treatment and important some citation of information source would be prudent. Similar apps Ive tested catered to industry and students, however, this is just the sort of resourse consumers need. Terrific start, looking forward to updates! Julien.
A very handy app. A great resource. Thank you for making it available.
Nice app. It would be great if the search field could find text in the definitions and not only the title of the article.
I like this app..,but I LOVED it before with the shuffle button. Bring the shuffle button back please!!
As a psyc major, this is a great app to have. Although it doesnt have every specific term in the literature out there, it has enough terms to be considered helpful at the undergraduate level. Will definitely refer to it on the fly in graduate school if I hopefully get in!
Great job dude..still need to add many things to get 5 stars....
The most useful app for psychological terms.
The glossary begs to be divided it three different booklets with its own clear aim. The first part is the American drug-users slang, ephemerous by definition as in any other tongue. The second is an odd "Greek roots garden" of various phobias, seldom in use. The third is the idiosyncratically American vocabulary of clinical psychology and psychiatry; the latter one is the most intersting in its trends [is "psychoanalysis" already so an obscene word in U.S.A. nowadays that it needs to be substituted by a pudibond "psychoanalytic perspective"? God save America!].
I have a mental illness and this app helps me with better understanding it in all its complication
Sound bite psychology. Not awful, but definitions are simplistic and could be misleading without a psych background. Some are just plain wrong.
I like the short, but to the point definitions. Helpful for reviewing, and learning new terms.
As a clinical psychologist with over 30 years of study, training professionals, and helping clients reach their goals, I find this app very disturbing. Many of the definitions are unsupported, and others -- and Im not referring to a mere handful -- are egregiously wrong! Ive also noticed this trait to occur in other apps by this developer. Remember the admonition, "Dont believe everything you read?" This is particularly true in this case. Dont bother downloading.
Would be better if it could be used on the touch
Not entirely accurate...but at least they didnt confuse asocialism with antisocial personality disorder like EVERYONE does now thanks to the media.
Im also a clinical psychologist, and after picking out 25 or so terms I could not find any that were truly incorrect. Granted the descriptions are brief and at an undergraduate level, but unless your looking for a copy of the DSM-IV this will suffice. If Im missing some of the serious errors regarding this app and its definitions, please list them. So far I could not find any.
interesting, but please! change the color of the app.
Perfect for my Psychology class, this little app has helped me many a time to pass a test. All I can say is that it would be nice to see a little more organization on this app. Perhaps all the drugs could be sorted in their own lists, important psychologists in another, another list for parts of the brain, a list for personailty disorders, etc.
Im a grad-student in psyc and find, the ones Ive looked at so far, to be brief and simplified, but fairly accurate. It gives a general idea of what someone is talking about.
As a mental health counseling grad student, I think this free app with very small ads is a handy guide to terms I see often and more importantly, many I dont see often enough to always remember the exact definition.